Corn field under setting sun
Agromet Decision Support System

Welcome to the Agromet DSS Portal of Bhutan

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Stakeholders Involved

1Agrometeorology Program, Agriculture Research and Innovation Division,
Department of Agriculture
– Lead the Agrometeorology Program (Technical and Financial)
– Overall Coordination, Quality Control & Monitoring
– Build and maintain institutional linkages with international and national agencies
– Develop/review protocol for agrometeorology and related climate research
2Agriculture Research and Development Centres (ARDC)– Regularly update and validate the crop calendar
– Feeding the crop information in ADSS
– Conduct and coordinate ToT and Climate Field School (CFS)
– Propose budget for agromet related activities at the regional level.
– Monitoring and Maintenance of research based agromet AWS
– Conduct agrometeorology research.
3National Plant Protection Centre (NPPC)
– Develop and revise the pest calendar
– Regular feeding and validation of pest information in the ADSS
– Be a part of CFS and ToT coordinated by DoA HQ/ARDCs
– To provide pest advisory services
4National Soil Services Centre (NSSC), Simtokha– Incorporation of relevant Soil information into ADSS
– Develop and update data on available soil map
– Be a part of CFS and ToT coordinated by ARDCs
5Dzongkhags/Gewog Agriculture Sector– Facilitate ToT and CFS
– Effectively disseminate the advisories
– Provide regular feedback on the system and services to ARDCs
6National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM)– Support to provide agro-meteorology services
– Provide regular forecast information and data in the ADSS
– Promote collaboration and institutional linkage with national, regional and international organizations related to weather, climate, hydrology, cryosphere, and water resources for exchange of data, research and technology transfer
– Capacity and human resources development through training and education
7GovTech Agency– Modification of existing APIs
– Enhance data driven decision making with insights and inferences generated through business intelligence dashboards
– Enhance data archival, data sharing and dissemination mechanism
– Change management of all the system changes that are requested