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First Ever Village Organic Fair

đź•‘May 28, 2023

28 May, Sarpang: The first ever village organic fair was held at Chhudzom Gewog under Sarapng Dzongkhag from 27-28 May, 2023. The main objectives of the village fair were to bring together organic farmers of the gewog, showcase and share experiences and to provide market avenue. It also aimed to encourage and advocate other organic operators under Chhudzom gewog.

Chhudzom is about three hours’ drive from Gelephu and located at an altitude ranging from 1200 to 1800 masl with a pristine and clean ecosystem providing opportunities for organic production.  Chhudzom is also a main hub for supplying fresh and nutritious vegetable to the urban residence of Gelephu and nearby towns.

The Gewog administration has declared itself to maintain and pursue organic farming considering its health and environmental benefit. Supporting the gewog initiative and desire for organic farming, NCOA, Yusipang in collaboration with Dzongkhag Agriculture sector, Sarpang and ARDC, Samtenling has promoted organic agriculture in the gewog with funding support from GEF-LDCF, NAPA III project since 2017. GEF-LDCF through various projects has been supporting small and vulnerable farming communities against the raising impact of climate change and government’s initiative to promote organic farming as climate resilient measure.

The event was graced by Programme Director, ARDC, Samtenling as a chief guest and officials from RAMCO, BFDA, and gewog officials and Local Government members. It was also attended by the farmers and residence of the Chhudzom gewog, where nine organic farmers groups displayed their certified fresh and processed organic products. In addition, the nine groups were evaluated for best stall display and exhibition. The Gaalegthang Model Organic (MOV)village stood first in the competition followed by Himalaya vegetable production group and Dragchu Vegetable Production Group. They also displayed traditional farming tools and crafts.

Along with farmers stall different organic technologies were also displayed to create awareness to the organic farming community. The event was Supported by NAPA III, A RGoB Initiative with UNDP, funded by GEF-LDCF.

To make the event more informative and educative, a quiz on Organic farming was also arranged which was participated by representatives of the nine farmers groups. To encourage the participants, prizes were also awarded to the winners of the competition.  local and traditional dance and cuisines were also showcased.